I’tikaf, an opportunity to get closer to God

TEHRAN - I’tikaf, in the Islamic faith, is a particularly commended pious practice consisting of a period of retreat in a mosque, for a certain number of days in accordance with the believer's own wish.
Those taking part in the spiritual ritual sit in mosques and fast and pray to the almighty God during the three days of I’tikaf (usually on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the lunar Hijri month of Rajab, falling on January 25-27 this year).
In the days of I’tikaf, in many of the mosques all over the country, youth, men, and women of different ages and from different walks of life would go to and stay in mosques.
For three consecutive days, they would fast and seek to get closer to God. After that, they would leave and bid farewell to the mosque, heavy-hearted and shedding tears, getting ready for the year ahead.
Fasting is one of the necessary conditions of I'tikaf according to Shi'a jurisprudence. Therefore, people should fast during the I'tikaf and if someone can't fast -- such as travelers and sick people -- or did not fast deliberately, his/her I'tikaf is void.
During I'tikaf days, universities, mosques throughout the entire country, and Jameh mosques are full of people.
I’tikaf is the best time for pondering and prayer. Worship is to reach God’s service. Therefore, selfishness and godliness cannot be added together. With I’tikaf, we should know our faults.
Imam Ali (AS) has said, “A person’s awareness of his faults makes him forget about the faults of others.”
Such gatherings and circles are for asking God to be people of virtues and wisdom and to follow the truth. God loves the truth from his servant and therefore, we must follow the truth so that God considers us as his servants.
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